Photoalbum Creator II now available!
(zu alt für eine Antwort)
Jan Klok
2005-02-04 16:14:49 UTC
What is Photoalbum Creator II ?
This program generates html pages ;-)
Well, actually, it does a lot more, but come in and find out for

Some features:
- MUI interface with D&D capabilities.
- AppWindow; just drop a file on it to open the file.
- Nlisttree as core for website layout.
- Generates HTML and some Javascript, you just need to supply your
- Two layout schemes and three colorschemes to choose from.
- Online help (Amigaguide and HTML). Actually the PAC2 homepage was
created with PA2!
- HTML preview window for quick impression of page layout.
- Faaaast HTML generation.
- Configurable default project file.
- Configurable border size for images.
- Fully configurable toolbar look.
- Example projects included.
- Tested with IBrowse 2.3, IE6 and Netscape 7.
- ...

Photoalbum creator II is written and conceived by Jan Klok and is
emailware. That means that I would like you to send me an email if you
use this program.
You can use this program for generating your own photoalbums, website, html
documentation, etc. If you do however, give the author credit where it is due by
mentioning that your pages were generated with Photoalbum creator II.
You can always find the latest info concerning PAC2 at the PAC2
homepage: http://users.belgacom.net/gc078018/

Feel free to contact me (at jklok_be @ yahoo . com; remove blanks
please) with any comments or questions.
andre schmidt
2005-02-04 19:08:25 UTC








2005-02-04 23:05:11 UTC
Post by andre schmidt
hyhyh hast wohl aus versehen die email adresse paar mal zu oft kopiert ;))
Jan Klok
2005-02-11 11:13:24 UTC
andre schmidt <***@gmx.de> wrote in message news:<***@individual.net>...
Post by andre schmidt
Thanks, idiot!
I was trying to keep this mail address private!!!
Now I'l get spammed with all kinds of offensive mail in no time...
andre schmidt
2005-02-11 12:02:39 UTC
Post by Jan Klok
Thanks, idiot!
You are welcome.
Post by Jan Klok
I was trying to keep this mail address private!!!
The usenet isn't the right place for this.
Post by Jan Klok
Now I'l get spammed with all kinds of offensive mail in no time...
If you think you messages are not some kind of spam...
-> ***@gmx.de: ungelesen endgelagert!
REPLY TO -> ***@despammed.com
2005-02-12 22:10:41 UTC
Post by andre schmidt
Post by Jan Klok
I was trying to keep this mail address private!!!
The usenet isn't the right place for this.
Actualy it is.
Misc stands for miscelaneous you know...
I would have put this in announce, as id did in
comp.sys.amiga.announce, but there's no de.comp.sys.amiga.announce...
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